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Nifty Stats has been on the market for 10 years

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С нами с 19.04.11
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Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 23/11/17 в 15:58       Ответить с цитатойцитата 

Dear users,

We have been with you for 10 years now and in this period we have moved very much ahead. During this time Nifty Stats ( http://www.niftystats.com/ )has gone through a significant change and it was thanks to you.

Thousands of satisfied customers and tens of thousands added and fixed affiliate programs and advertising networks in our database. Thank you to all of you for your support, suggestions and thoughts that we have implemented into Nifty Stats over the 10 years.

For this special occasion we have also written a short story about Nifty Stats which can be read on our blog: http://www.niftystats.com/blog/2017/11/22/nifty-stats-market-10-years/

Nifty Stats team

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