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Add Blockers - What are you doing about them? ReviveAds.com

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Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 07/01/16 в 01:42       Ответить с цитатойцитата 

This is the official launch of the Revive Ads ad blocking solution

Ad Blockers Cost You $$$ - Get it Back FAST with NEW ReviveAds Solution from TrafficHaus!

Ad block users have increased by more than 69% this year, growing at an alarming estimated user increase at a rate of 45% PER MONTH. That means that you are increasingly losing money to users consuming bandwidth, but not delivering traffic to your advertisers that support your site. A typical adult site will have at least 20% of their users currently utilizing an ad block browser plugin. Fight to stop ad blockers with ReviveAds.com, the industry’s first and leading comprehensive ad block prevention tool.

ReviveAds.com lets you bypass ad blockers without disrupting current revenue streams and regain access to 150+ million ad block users with a seamless 1-step integration.

ReviveAds.com provides website publishers with 4 key services:

1. Detection and awareness. This program allows publications to detect and measure the effect of visitors blocking their ads and deliver targeted messaging accordingly.
2. Proprietary ad delivery. Our platform is capable of delivering ads from our advertisers in our network. Our ad server is capable of delivering 5+ billion ads per day purchased and reported in real time. We offer all platforms, devices, geos, languages, carriers, Os’, and all ad type integrations.
3. Access to eager advertisers. Our advertisers purchase the advertising in real time, are ready, willing and able to deliver products and generate revenue to ad block users.
4. Access to ad-block enabled content. Our content meets the advertising standards and non-intrusive guidelines of almost every ad block system.
ReviveAds.com offers a tiered system of 6 varying levels of protection and integrations to maximize profits, ranging from simple to ultra-aggressive. Get a step ahead of your competition and monetize those lost users today.

Our mission is simple: revive lost revenue and revive your sites’ ability to operate through better monetization. For more information or to test ReviveAds.com on your website portfolio, contact your preferred representative or email publishers@... TrafficHaus.com

For more information about ReviveAds, please visit ReviveAds - Recover Your Revenue.

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