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Sponsors galleries on ChameleonSubmitter.com

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Ссылка на сообщениеДобавлено: 24/06/09 в 14:03       Ответить с цитатойцитата 

Hi there!

We are releasing a new service for chameleon users. It will be ready galleries from sponsors..
So you as a sponsor will have a chance to have up to 200 photo, 200 movie galleries and 200 freesites right in our system.

What are the advantages of my galleries being listed in member section of
- you will get new affiliates immediately
- you will get submitters immediately
- you will get a team of sales making people without any troubles
- immediately raise in your traffic
- the Chameleon Team will propagate this feature in the community of

Need more information? Hit me up on ICQ: 314266131 or pauljohn {{at}} chameleonsubmitter {ddot} com

Thank you!

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